Support The Blower

A vintage style telephone

The Blower does not require payment for our public services, but if you’re able to contribute we’d love you forever!

Direct Subscription

The simplest and best thing for us is a direct subscription or a one-off contribution here. The transaction is processed via Stripe and we don’t store any card information. We do get information about your name and email address and so forth, though.

You can also make a simple one-off donation to our expenses, if you prefer! If you’re a current subscriber, you can manage your account here.


We also have a profile on Liberapay, which is very low in overheads and allows you to contribute anonymously, which we know is very important to some of you. You can contribute to The Blower there if that’s what suits you best!


As many people are already using Patreon to support people and services they use, we have a profile there for anyone who finds singing up for one more thing just a bit much. We get it.

Affiliate and Referral Programs

You can help us indirectly by various referral programs and affiliate links. These are services we use, are happy with, and have no reservations about recommending.

DigitalOcean Referral Badge


We use DigitalOcean services a lot, and we’ve always been happy with them. Sign up via our referral link – you get free bonus credit and so do we. Every bit here helps, as this is the bulk of our regular expenses!

Referral code: 2685626

Pretty much all of Chinwag’s administration is done via Aussie Broadband, probably the most reliable and functional Australian ISP currently in operation. Not that that’s a high bar, but they do OK and if you use our referral code, we all get bonuses.